Do You Send E-mail Campaigns On Behalf Of Multiple People
For Various Sales Territories, Departments or Subsidiaries?
The IntelliClick Multi Segment Batch Send Module allows your company to efficiently send e-mail campaigns across multiple segments or territories within your CRM database. Each send is unique to the person the message is coming from, the segment within your database and it can have the same or different subject lines and message content. Each message is personalized as it comes from a known sender and can include recipient customization (name, company, etc.) within the message itself. Pick and choose which segments or territories you wish to communicate with and our module will send them at once.
The Multi Segment Batch Send Module allows you to schedule your send and automatically exclude opt-out and hard bounce e-mail addresses. Benefit from saving time and streamlining the process of sending campaigns on behalf of your sales teams, company divisions or departments.